Afhayeenka Trump Sarah Sanders oo is casishay

Haweeneydii Aqalka Cad ee Mareykanka u qaabilsaneyd dhanka warbaahinta Sarah Sanders ayaa shaqada ka tegeysa, sida uu shaaciyay madaxweyne Donald Trump.

Wuxuu sheegay in afhayeenkiisa ay dhammaadka Bishan dib ugu laaban doonto gobolka ay ka soo jeeddo ee Arkansas, isagoo ku ammaanay inay tahay “geesiyad”.

Sarah oo ah qofkii ugu dambeeyay ee jago sare ka hayay Aqalka Cad ee is casilay, ayaa sheegtay inay aad ugu faraxsaneyd shaqadeeda.

Sumcaddeeda ayaa su`aal la geliyay, iyadoo intii ay xilka haysay lagu eedeeyay in si aan habbooneyn ay ula dhaqantay warbaahinta marka shirarka jaraa`id la qabanayo.

Waxay markii hore ahayd ku xigeenkii xoghayaha warbaahinta kahor inta aysan beddelin Sean Spicer bishii Luulyo ee sannadkii 2017.

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