Dhaqaalaha Trump soo galay sanadkii 2018 oo la shaaciyey

Madaxweynaha Mareykanka, Donald Trump ayaa sameeyey dakhli ah 434 milyan oo dollar sanadii 2018, sida ku cad warbixin uu ugu gudbiyey Xafiiska Anshaxa Dowladda oo shaaca laga qaaday.

Lacagtaas ayaa waxyar ka yar dakhligii madaxweynaha soo galay sanadii 2017 oo ahaa 450 milyan dollar.

Trump ayaa dhaqaalahan ka sameeyey hantidiisa ma guurtada ah, sida hoteello iyo daaro kirooyin loogu jiro oo uu leeyahay, taasi oo dib usoo noolaysay su’aalaha ku sabsan in madaxweynaha uu lacag ka helayo dowlado ajnabi ah, isaga oo ka faa’iidaysanaya xilka uu ka hayo dowladda.

Hotel-ka Trump International Hotel ee magaalada Washington DC ayaa waxa uu madaxweynaha sanadii 2018 ka sameeyey 41 milyan oo dollar.

Si kastaba, hoteellada madaxweynaha ayaan faa’iido wada sameyn, ayada oo hotelka Mar-a-Lago ee gobolka Florida, oo xiliiyada qabowga uu madaxweynaha ku nasto, uu dakhligiisa hoos u dhaca 2.5 milyan oo dollar oo uu ahaa 22.7 milyan dollar sanadii 2018.

Hotel-ka Trump ee Washington oo la furay 2016, islamarkaana wax yar un u jira Aqalka Cad ayaa waxaa aad u adeegsaday diblomaasiyiinta ajnabiga iyo madaxda shirkadaha.

Arrintan ayaa dhalisay su’aalo ku saabsan in madaxweynaha uu saraakiil ajnabi ah lacag ka sameynayo, isaga oo magaciisa madaxweynenimo ka faa’iideysanaya, waxaana dadka dhaliila ay sheegeen in dad badan ay hoteelkiisa usoo degayaan kaliya inuu leeyahay madaxweynaha.


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