Kooxda Barcelona oo dooneysa Shan Ciyaaryahan

Kooxda Barcelona ayaa xagaagan u furan in ay kooxdeeda isbadal wayn ku samayso islamarkaana ay dhegaysato dalabyada lagu doonayo qaar badan oo kooxdeeda ka mid ahmaadaama oo ay diyaar u yihiin in ay dib u habayn sameeyaan.

Barcelona ayaa dalabyo wax ku ool ah uu heshay shan ciayartoy oo kooxdeeda kowaad ka midah laakiin Philippe Coutinho ayaan ka mid ahayn xidigaha la soo dalbaday.

Wargayska Mundo Deportivo oo ka soo baxa magaalada Barcelona ayaa shaaciyay in maamulkaBlaugrana ay gacanta ku hayaan dalabyo lagu doonayo xidigaha kala ah Malcom, JasperCillessen, Andre Gomes, Denis Suarez iyo Nelson Semedo.

Laakiin wargayska Mundo Deportivo ayaan liiska ciyaartoyda ay Barcelona iibin karto ee aydalabyada u heshay aanu ku jirin Philippe Coutinho kaas oo ay kooxo waa wayni isha ku hayaan.

Inkasta oo ay kooxaha Man United, Chelsea iyo PSG ay xiiso ka muujiyeen saxiixa PhilippeCoutinho, haddana ilaa hadda ma jirto koox dalab rasmi ah ka soo gudbisay xidiga reer Brazil.

Laakiin Barcelona ayaa haddaba dalabyo kala duwan oo muhiim ah u haysa shanta ciyaartoy eekala ah Malcom, Jasper Cillessen, Andre Gomes, Denis Suarez iyo Nelson Semedo kuwaas oo aysuurtogal tahay in xagaagan laga diri doono Camp Nou.

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