Shax Cusub oo laga sameeyey Kulanka Caawa ee Liverpool iyo Barcelona

Kooxda Kubadda Cagta ee Liverbool ayaa caawa la filayaa in Garoonkeeda Anfield ay ciyaar kulul kula dhex marato Naadiga ka dhisan dalka spain ee Barcelona.

Kulankaan ayaa ka tirsan Champions League,waxaana halkaasi isku arki doona  laacibka ugu fiican adduunka ee Lionel Messi iyo laacibka ugu fiican sanadka horyaalka Premier League ee Virgil Van Dijk oo ka kala tirsan labada kooxood.

Shabakadda Ciyaaraha ee Sporsmole ayaa shax isku dhaf ah ka sameeysay  kooxaha Barcelona iyo Liverpool ka hor kulankooda caawa ee Champions League.

Hoos Ka Eeg Shaxda laga sameeyey kulanka Caawa dhexmari doona Kooxaha Liverpool iyo Barcelona,

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