Hoos Ka Dhageyso Barnaamij gaar ah oo aan uga hadleyno Iskaashiga Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka, kaas oo ka baxay Idaacadda Risaala ee Magaalada Muqdisho.
Qeybta 5aad ee Barnaamijka Iskaashiga Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka.
Radio Risaala, is an independent radio and website based in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Radio Risaala FM radio 102.2 MHZ and a website www.radiorisaala.com was launched on 24 June 2001 (with the name of IQK Radio) to serve for the all-Somali speaking community in east Africa.
During its 18 hours on air (5:00 AM-11:00 PM), Radio Risaala focuses to educate and entertaining and inform the people of Somalia with accurate and truth-based news.
Radio Risaala broadcasts news in its daily and weekly programs those including; entertainment, peace, culture, education, health, sports, economy and politics.
Radio Risaala is not affiliated with any particular group in the country whether it is political party, religious or racism group.
Our Target audience
Following the capacity of our transmitter and the high-quality programs we deliver, Radio Risaala target audiences are increasingly going high day-to-day with the destination of the regions in the southern part of the country. Today our listeners – more than 3 million, live in Mogadishu (16 districts of the Benadir region with almost three million people), Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle, and some parts of Bay and Hiiran regions .
In addition, there are more than 90 countries around the globe that audience could reach us on our live streaming channel on the internet during our 18-hours of broadcasting as we regularly publish all of our content on our website www.radiorisaala.com .
Radio Risaala also intends to extend the listening destination across the country in the near future.
As today’s world becomes a “world of information”, we aspire to become the leader of Somalia media in terms of value, nationwide serving, quality of our employees, and the most updated equipment we use
We believe availing from the experiences of our professional journalists will gain tangible work in the field of journalism, especially in Somalia where there has not been law and order for about two decades.
Radio Risaala airs both weekly and daily programs including political, social, economical, and environmental which do not reflect to the vision of any particular group in Somalia. Radio Risaala gives a free platform to the different segments of society to express their views whether they are politicians or ordinary people.
Radio Risaala is an independent media organization headquartered in Mogadishu Somalia. Our broadcasting comes through FM 102.2 MHZ and on the internet live streaming www.radiorisaala.com all over the world. We have the capacity to reach our listeners in Mogadishu (Banadir region), Jowhar, Balcad, Mahaday (Middle Shabelle region), Marka, Barawe, Wanlaweyn, Afgoye, Shalanbood as well as Qoryooley town (Lower Shabelle region) , We are welcoming to use Radio Risaala every time.
Relationship with these Organizations:
Ergo Radio
UNOPS Mine Action Programme
Free Press Unlimited
and others
Radio Risaala programming hours:
– From 5.00am-11:00p.m
– 7.00am – 7.00pm (most popular hours)
Radio Risaala is based in Mogadishu, Somalia.
El Gab Junction in Hamar Jajab district.
For further information feel free to contact: Managing Director Risaala Media Corporation
Mohamed Abdiwahab:
Cellphone: +252 615 550138 /
+252 699701912
Email: [email protected] ,[email protected],
Radio Risaala broadcast online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Radio Risaala brings you the friendly voices of the community. As a community station, We also have religious programs, sport, local news and interviews etc.
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Radio Risaala, is an independent radio based in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. Radio Risaala FM radio 102.2 MHZ and a website www.radiorisaala.com was launched in 24 June 2001 (with the name of IQK Radio) to serve for all-Somali speaking community in the east Africa.
Contact us: [email protected]
© Radiorisaala.com 2009 - 2022